Airbnb Experiences

Airbnb Experiences aims to reposition Airbnb as an avenue for travel beyond lodging by introducing an enhanced, gamified Experiences feature of Airbnb.


VCU Brancdenter Academic Project


4 weeks

November 2022



Adobe CC


Experience Design


The Problem

Airbnb’s Experiences feature launched in 2016, but it has yet to encourage significant engagement with the platform despite its potential to ignite growth for Airbnb as a whole.

The Solution

Airbnb is going to build brand loyalty by rewarding travelers for pushing beyond the traditional travel experience through gamifying Airbnb Experiences with badges for engaging with the feature.

The Process

After identifying Airbnb’s solution as a gaming implementation, I paralleled the user journey of the proposed Experiences feature with the user journey of gamification. This framework propelled the design process from research to mockups to its presentaiton.